I ran across this video on YouTube and it got me to thinking about all of the taxation that our federal, state and local governments are piling on us time and time again. Luzerne County is the latest with this bogus Levy Tax. I got that in the mail a few weeks ago and just summoned up the courage to open it. I hit the roof when I saw what I have to pay. Since when can a government single out a certain segment of it's people and tax the krap out of them? Is this legal? Is this right? I say all of us that received this tax should stand up and refuse to pay it! They can't put us all in jail. Just because the county finances have been mismanaged for years and years why do we have to pay the price? I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore! Next the county will be taxing everyone with the number 9 in their address. This shit has got to stop. Our gas is taxed, our clothes are taxed even our toilet paper is taxed! Every time I wipe my ass I hear a register ringing up cash! When does it stop? Soon we will be taxed on the air we breath. It's time we take a hard look at our candidates when they run for office to see who is really fiscally qualified to run our government. Don't just go in and vote for the status quo. Take a look at this video which was made by author Bob Basso. It will get you fired up.
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