On the third day of Christmas the county gave to me....
Reassessment Debacle
Greco and his TV's
And the bogus Levy Fee
We all remember this mess because we all got bent over and taxed up the old Hersey Highway. Our fearless leaders led by "In The Can Mary Ann" contracted with a firm out of Philly to come in and reassess all of our properties. With a mere walk down the street they determined that our properties should be taxed more. WHAT! Are you kidding me! My local taxes are going up, my recycling fee is going up, gas is on the rise, my cigars are being taxed more and wham, my county property taxes just doubled. Houdini couldn't even conjure up a trick this good. I got nothing left to give. What's next, oh that's right, a raise in our water bills for water we cannot drink. It is now going to cost me more to take a good dump. I am just wondering what type of tax magic the county can perform for 2011. I know I am about ready to go postal.
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