Already Talking Bush

The 2012 Presidential Election has just come to an end and the "so called" experts are already looking ahead to 2016.  These presidential pundits have come up with a list of potential Democratic and Republican candidates who may make a run for the White House.  WHAT!  WHAT!  ARE YOU FREAKIN' KIDDING ME!  We just got this horrible, mud slinging election over with and now you want to start looking 4 years down the road.  Anyway, the experts have come up with what they call the "Buzz Candidates" who right now are the front runners for their respective parties.

Democrats:  The front runner for the democrats is Hillary Clinton.  Hills, who got my vote in the democratic primary back in 2008 and has said that she will resign her position as Secretary of State if Barack Obama won a second term.  He did and I believe she will. Her sure-footed performance as the U.S.’s top diplomat, combined with her husband’s unstinting efforts on President Obama’s behalf, have made the Clinton's the un­disputed titans of the party.  Make no mistake here, Hillary Clinton is one hard nosed intelligent individual who in my opinion would make a great President.  Time Magazine reported that, "From Wellesley superstar to Watergate staffer, corporate lawyer to First Lady, Senator to Secretary of State, Clinton has raised redemption and reinvention to an art form".  She has all of the experience and the tools to become a great leader.

Republicans:  On the Republican side, your not going to believe who the front runner is.  Whatever you are guessing, it is probably wrong.  The experts say that Jeb Bush is the current "Buzz Candidate" for 2016.  Now I never thought I would say this, but I can't handle any more Bush.  Are we talking about politics here....HEY!  If you remember, Jeb Bush was the Governor of Florida when his slack jawed brother George W. Bush stole the election from Al Gore.  How can we forget the hanging chads and dimple chads?  The Repo's see good ole' Jeb as a solid candidate for two reasons.  One, he is a Bush.  Two, because his wife is from Mexico and the Republicans desperately need to make headway with the Latino voters.

There you have it.  The current front runners for the 2016 Presidential election.  There are many other possibilities for 2016 such as Democrats Joe Biden, San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.  For the Republicans we need to keep an eye on Condoleezza Rice, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Florida Senator Marco Rubio.  of course, my candidate for 2016 is the former Minnesota Governor, former Navy Seal and former WWF Champion Jesse "The Body" Ventura.       

