One of our faithful Gripers shot me this note on Facebook late last night and it really sent me into a tirade. Even though you were in violation of a parking law, it really burns my buttocks that they randomly ticket for this around the holidays. Here is the note from Tim "PA Juggalo".
just got a ticket from the luzerne cops for parking facing the wrong
side of the street. I realize this is technically against the law but
I've done it millions of times before as has everyone before. Hell even
the cops do it on my street all the time. They just want to start off
the new year ahead of the curve with these bullshit fines for no reason.
Fuck them.
Tim, you hit the mail on the head. The cops in many of our towns will hit people especially around the holidays with parking violations. Back a year ago I Griped this because a good friends sister got a ticket in Kingston for the same violation. I think it is safe to say that all year long you can see people parked facing the wrong way and no tickets are given. Near the end of the year, the towns send out an edict for the cops to write a ton of tickets so they can make budget. Believe me when I tell you that I know this to be a fact first hand. It's easy pickings at this time of the year because people are in from out of town to visit for the holidays. What ticks me off the most is that the cops do it on your street but no one tickets them. I think we should make an R2G ticket to give to the cops. If you see them parked the wrong way, slip one under their wiper blade. If you see one blow through a stop sign, pull them over. If you see one talking on a cell phone while driving write them up. I think the only thing we ask is that our law enforcement officials be consistent and follow the laws like everybody else.
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